You maybe disturbed from the title but it's not what you think it is; I have a addiction with Sims 3! At the weekend I spent the whole day on Saturday and half of the day on Sunday playing Sims and creating my little family!
I did share this with you on twitter and if you don't follow me please go and look.
You maybe thinking, why do you like Sims so much? Well I like Sims so much because you can create your 'dream' family and have control of everything, its like having a dream. Also you can create and style the house however you want and it's a great way to practice trying new things. Unfortunately I just have Sims3 but i'm saving up for Sims3 Pets.
My best tip is to buy a pre-made house without any furniture but then completely re do the house and maybe give your sims a house extension. This way you save on simoleons, even though you can cheat I don't like to cheat and this saves you money. And as soon as your house is done get one of your sims working even if its not the best pay or job as you can leave once you have enough money.
Also ALWAYS keep your sims mood on green if not they get angry and in a result of this they may not do the things you want.
If you don't have sims, defiantly go and buy it!
I hoped you liked my first ever proper blogpost about my lifestyle and I will do a mix of lifestyle, beauty and fashion.
See you again next week!
Darcey xx
I have sims, it's like a amazing ���� #TheSims3™