Monday 25 August 2014

Evening Routine - School Time!

So after a long day at school and then doing your homework, all you want to do is relax. 

So after I have finished my homework, I will go and sit on the sofa, watch some TV or YouTube and relax. 

Then I will go and feed my little rabbit Lottie who loves to eat! I will give her a cuddle and sort her bed out ready for the night ahead so she's all snuggly. 

My mum or dad would have cooked dinner so I will go and wash my hands and eat dinner. If for some reason they don't cook dinner, I will cook it myself which can be dodgy as I'm not the greatest cook! 

Once I've eaten dinner, I will watch the news! Which seems very boring and not what you want to do but it's more for the weather and I was watching it a while ago and Zoe Sugg popped up so it's not always boring! 

Then I will go upstairs, take all my makeup off and have a shower. (Shower Routine coming soon). 

I will then do my skincare, moisturise all my body and lay my school clothes out for the next day or if it's a Friday I will check the weather for the weekend and then lay out a outfit which is normally trackies if I'm not going out! 

Then I will get a drink, climb into bed and go on my phone for abit and then sleep. 

I like to get a early night so I feel refreshed in the morning, I'm normally in bed by 9.15pm and asleep by 9.30pm. It doesn't take me long to get to sleep!

So I hoped you enjoy this and I will see you again soon! 

Lots of Love, 
Darcey xx

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